Have you ever had an omen? If you are not sure what an omen is, it is a phenomenon that is believed to foretell the future. Sometimes we don’t recognize the omen for what it is, and later we think “damn I should have paid attention”.
The one event that always comes to mind, was my wedding. This was the one omen I should have listened too but chose to foolishly ignore. You see someone, or something was trying to tell me not to get married. I wish I had listened. Omens do not always foretell misfortune, sometimes they foretell good luck, but not this one.
Wedding date set, invitations mailed, everything in place, and boom the sign of all signs that this marriage was a mistake. Two weeks before our wedding, the Church we were to be married in burned to the ground. If that wasn’t a clear sign I don’t know what is.
I remember the morning my soon to be mother in law broke the news to me. She called me into her room, and said “the church burned down last night”. The only thing I could do was laugh, because honestly what else was I going to do?
We scrambled to find a new Church, because we only had two weeks before the wedding, not much time to work with in the demanding business of marriage. We had to send new invitations, and explain to our guests why we changed churches at the last minute. “Oh the Church burned to the ground” that’s all!
In hindsight, I wish I had paid heed to this sign of all signs. My marriage was somewhat of a disaster and ended in divorce.
Moral of the story pay attention to the signs you are sent.
(this really happened)