They say that a Lazy Millennial is someone who is passionate about helping others. So, you will find a list of noble causes that we hope you would consider supporting. There is a great many people out there that could use our help. The amount doesn’t matter, as much as the willingness to do something. We promise to provide you information about these organizations, which will include the percentage that goes to the cause and what is kept by the organization. The bigger the impact the better and we want to make sure we make the biggest difference. Thank you for considering assisting these organizations. if you know of a worthy organization, please feel free to drop us a note under the CONTACT page on the left side of the page.

Thank you,


NOTE: click name of organization to go to site

Feeding America


I came across Feeding America a few years back because a few high profile celebs backed it. They were matching donations and I looked into the organization. They feed millions of Americans and I have been donating monthly ever since seeing their reach. Here is some information right off their site:

Feeding America is the nation’s largest domestic hunger-relief organization. Thanks to donations and support from businesses, government organizations and individuals like you, the Feeding America network of food banks, pantries and meal programs serve virtually every community in the United States — 40 million people, including 12 million children and 7 million seniors.

Every year, Feeding America helps 1 in 7 Americans.

The Feeding America network provides over 4.3 billion meals annually, helping 1 in 7 Americans facing hunger live more secure and stable lives.



Charity Navigator also gives Feeding America a very good score. Below is the highlights of their rating and you can find out more here:


Feeding America Overall Score.PNG
Feeding America Expenses.PNG