I love words, and I especially love making up my own words. Someone somewhere made up the words that we use in the English language and who says that I can’t do the same. Who says that my words aren’t real, just because someone didn’t officially declare my word official. People make up words and expressions all the time, and when these words and expressions catch on I believe they are referred to as slang.
One of my most ingenious time saving expressions, which was fashioned clearly by accident is “yelcome”. I went to tell someone “you’re welcome” and somehow I merged the two words together and bada bing bada boom a new word. This word is now part of my everyday vocabulary.
Another word I often say is “worser”, it simply means when something is worse than worse, and when something gets to be worse than worse it is “worser”. “it is much worser now”.
Here is another expression that was made up on the fly “smarcasm”. Someone asked me a question and because of the nature of my answer they wanted to know if I was being sarcastic. I needed a quick comeback to prove how much of a sarcastic smartass I was. So, I told them that it was clearly smarcasm. If you are a sarcastic smart ass, you practice the art of smarcasm.
Words are the basic way we communicate, so why not make up your own. After all, they are your words