The Negative Affects of The Affordable Health Care Act

It is pretty sad that in America, as a working US citizen, who works 40 hours week, and pays for health insurance, and is also suffering from Multiple Sclerosis, can’t afford to go to the doctor. Why is this? It is because the health care companies were allowed to raise their rates. My health care went up 30%. My deductible also went up as a result. I know the Affordable Care Act was to help the working class, but its un-intended consequences have had a negative effect on the working class.

I need to see a neurologist because of my disease, but I don’t go. Why you might ask? Because then I get a huge bill for the portion that is not covered because of my increased deductible. I should be getting MRI’s once a year to see the status of my disease progression, but I can’t get and MRI because I know I will be getting a bill for at least $700 because of my increased deductible. The last MRI I had was almost two years ago. It is a pathetic state that our health care system is in.

I take my children to the doctor because despite the fact that I can’t afford it, I will not sacrifice their health, but I do sacrifice my own.

When your living pay check to pay check, paying rent and bills, and trying to survive in general, worrying about whether you can go to the doctor should not have to be an issue, especially when you have insurance, but it is.

How is this fair? You’re sick, you have an incurable chronic progressive disease, but you can’t see the doctor!! Because you can’t afford to.

There are millions of Americans out there facing the same situation as me.

Please tell me how this is just. Something needs to change, for the millions of Americans like me who pay for insurance but can’t afford to go to the doctor.


Regrettably disappointed with this system

Tina Falconi