Speaking in text acronyms or as it is called text shorthand
We live in a time where most of our communications comes in the form of texting. There are so many people who don’t talk on the phone anymore, they text. Texting is quick and convenient as it helps you avoid physically speaking to someone.
Text messages are meant to be short and to the point (although I have a friend that composes 6 page text messages, at that point just call me because I am too lazy to read). To assist us in keeping these messages short and sweet there is this thing called text shorthand, or acronyms. You know the words like “LOL, LMAFO”. A new one I read and had to look it up was “TABOOMA” which means “take a bite out of my ass” there’s a few choice people whom I would love to say that too, LOL. I think I am a little out of touch, because a lot of the acronyms I have no clue what they are. I have a friend that makes them up, and I am forced to guess what the hell they are saying.
Maybe we should just start talking in acronyms, it would reduce the amount of time spent talking to people we really don’t want to talk to. A 10 minute conversation could be reduced to 5 minutes.
I work in the computer field and we talk in acronyms all the time, by far my favorite is the “ID10T” error. The user complains that there is something wrong with their computer, and after investigating the issue it is usually the very serious ID10T (pronounced ID 10 T) error. In other words an IDIOT error, the user was an idiot. Maybe if you actually pressed the power button your computer would be working!
I must go TTFN (ta ta for now), I will TTYL (talk to you later) and remember don’t be an ID10T