The other day while brushing my teeth, I somehow got toothpaste in my eye. It must have flicked off my toothbrush, flew through the air, and splat it landed smack dab in the middle of my eye. Toothpaste isn’t something you normally think of as dangerous, but man when it gets in your eye it stings like hell. For several minutes I couldn’t open my eye because it was stinging so bad, and began to water profusely. I had never been assaulted by toothpaste before, so it was quite a shock. I will take extra care when brushing my teeth from now on. I may even wear protective eye wear to be sure it doesn't happen again. I am not sure, but I think I could be suffering from Post Traumatic Toothpaste Syndrome.
Photo by Mikhail Kokhanchikov/Hemera / Getty Images