The One Thing You Neex To Know To Lose The Weight You Want

One simple search in Google will bring up an endless amount of information about how to lose weight. A lot of it is really great. There's one large component of weight loss that is ignored 99% of the time: your 'AH HA' moment, your watershed moment, that moment where you realize you have to get started. It's that moment in your life where you realize it would be far more painful not to do it, and it comes in different forms for everyone.

Mine came when I was 19 years old. At the time I weighed nearly 300lbs and had just started training in mixed martial arts (MMA). I started training in MMA because I had always been a martial arts geek, not to lose weight. That goal came after.

I knew almost immediately that I wanted to fight. I fell in love with the sport and the art my very first day on the mats. The issue was of course that I was morbidly obese. Cerebrally I understood that fighting wasn't going to happen for me at my weight, especially at first when I was just enjoying training and fighting was this vague, ambiguous goal on the horizon. What ultimately pushed me to shed the weight was when I would talk about training and my goal to be a fighter I was mostly laughed at by people, and when I would look in the mirror, if I was being honest with myself, I didn't see a fighter there. It was at that time that I knew a major change needed to happen. That accumulation of both internal and external negativity drove it. It created a scenario for me where it would've been far more painful to not lose the weight than it would be to lose it. I wanted to be proud of who I saw in the mirror.

That 'AH HA' moment is critical to getting you started and motivated on your weight loss journey. If you're overweight, you know you are. You know intellectually that you need to lose it but that's usually not what gets you going. That spark needs to come from somewhere deep inside from a place of feeling. In my case, I felt like a fraud playing pretend at something I loved, some people experience it when they find out they're sick, others on the heels of a relationship ending. Sometimes it's just that the person doesn't feel comfortable in their own skin, which I'll admit was most of my pre-MMA life. The point is that moment can take many forms, you just need to take action when it comes so you can be proud of who you see in the mirror.